Monday, October 12, 2009

Helen Harris, School Co-ordinator

Our school has decided to use your company again this year for our christmas card fundraiser, as we were so impresed with the quality & overall customer service last year - you made the whole process very easy.

Helen Harris, School Co-ordinator

Friday, February 22, 2008

Mrs A Jacklin, Parent

I wanted to say thank you for the £15 prize which my daughter received for selling the most Christmas cards at her school (Bollinbrook C of E school). Thanks once again, it was a lovely surprise.
Mrs A Jacklin, Parent

Monday, February 11, 2008

James Bradley

Thank you for the £15 you gave me for selling my Christmas cards. I was very pleased and proud! Here is a photo of me with my certificate. Thanks again.
James Bradley

Saturday, February 9, 2008

Alison Marshall

Our son Callum was awarded a prize and certificate for selling 30 packs of cards for his school St Mary's Lamberhurst
We sent them to all our customers and they loved the cards and lots of people were interested in how they had been designed and where they could do the same!!
Alison Marshall

Mrs Scott

Jack sold the most packs of charity christmas cards at his school (5 packs) He was over the moon to receive the certificate during assembly and is looking forward to putting his prize money toward a new toy car, my sincere thanks to you for making him feel special.
Mrs Scott

Tuesday, February 5, 2008


My son was lucky enough to have sold the most cards in his school and he received an award of £15. Thank you very much.

Monday, February 4, 2008

Janette Lightbody

Thank you for your recent Certificate and prize that Bethany Lightbody won for selling the most Christmas Cards. She was very proud to receive this.
Janette Lightbody